Multiplier Event Spain – Don Bosco – June 30th 2023

Location: Don Bosco

In an era where misinformation can spread faster than the truth, the JUIBAD project’s closure event, held on June 30th, 2023, at Don Bosco, marked a significant milestone in the fight against the ‘infodemic’. The event, meticulously planned with an informative agenda, aimed to shed light on the project’s achievements and its future implications for educators and society at large.

Introduction: Setting the Stage for Insightful Deliberations The event commenced with a warm welcome from the moderator, who succinctly outlined the event’s purpose. Attendees, ranging from educators to media professionals, were primed for a session that promised to deepen their understanding of the misinformation challenge.

Part 1: Unveiling the Project’s Genesis and Relevance A compelling video set the tone, illustrating the pervasive nature of the ‘infodemic’ and underscoring the urgency to counteract misinformation. This visual narrative provided a backdrop to the project’s inception and its objectives.

Part 2: Showcasing the Fruits of Collaboration The heart of the event was the presentation of the project’s outcomes, which included:

2.1 The Anti-Fake News Manual for Trainers and Teachers The manual, a cornerstone of the project, was introduced with an explanation of its purpose and structure. It serves as a beacon for educators, guiding them on how to seamlessly integrate its lessons into their curricula to foster critical thinking among students.

2.2 The JUIBAD MOOC on Fake News A live demonstration of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) unveiled its structure, core content, and pedagogical approaches. This digital platform is poised to be a game-changer in online education, equipping learners with the skills to discern fact from fiction.

2.3 Research Study and Report on Fake News Key findings from a comprehensive study were shared, highlighting the impact of fake news on society. The research’s implications for education systems and societal norms sparked a thoughtful dialogue among participants.

Part 3: Engaging Minds Through Dialogue An interactive Q&A session allowed for an exchange of ideas, addressing queries and expanding on the topics discussed. This segment was a testament to the project’s commitment to fostering an open and informed conversation on misinformation.

Part 4: Reflecting on the Journey and Looking Ahead The closing remarks by the JUIBAD project team were poignant, encapsulating the event’s spirit and the project’s journey. A group photo captured the collective resolve of the attendees, followed by heartfelt thanks and farewells.

The JUIBAD project closure event at Don Bosco was not just a culmination but a clarion call to continue the fight against misinformation. As the participants dispersed, there was a palpable sense of purpose, with the tools and knowledge disseminated promising to ripple out into classrooms and beyond, shaping a more discerning and informed future.