The JUIBAD project (Join Us In the Battle Against Disinformation), our KA2 project financed by the European Union through the Erasmus Plus program, received its second strategic meeting in Nevsehir (Turkey) from March 28 to 31 with various purposes.
- Evaluate the evolution of the work done by each partner.
- Present the first intellectual product that is made up of a training manual of some 206 pages in total with tools to train, educate and raise awareness about how the information we share influences us and others.
- It was also the right time to present the project’s website under development to the partners and collect feedback.
- Put the following steps regarding the intellectual product 2. This work will constitute a MOOC-style online training platform.
This meeting has seen the participation of about twenty people coming from Turkey, Spain, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece. Unfortunately, due to the current crisis, Russia and Lithuania were only able to participate in virtual zoom video conference mode.
The finished works, we were able to take advantage of to enjoy the views, the wonders and the charm of the province of Cappadocia.